Our two secondary trialists of the Glow Portal have been blogging heavily in the past month about their experiences, from the trials Tess seemed to be having getting some elements of the resource sharing underway to the huge success of a sharing and peer evaluation session on the portal. Tess's blog will continue to be a great place to go for information as the portal is refined.
David (or Glowboy, apparently ;-) has also been busy accompanying some superb lessons using Glow as a means of formative assessment in the primary school, as well as a means of providing that all important audience for our kids' work. His notes on some of the drawbacks in the portal during a lesson (especially the password issue which Renfrewshire have also found a problem) offer an idea, though, on what kind of environment our kids will have access to.
He's even let his Advanced Higher Computing Studies students have a look in - maybe they'll be designing the next phase ;-)
There has been a great deal of interest in some of the social media reporting of Glow developments in East Lothian. I was invited down to RM's Executive Board to talk about the impact of what we are doing and how it might shape future Glows. Robert is also trying to see where the future lies as the RM techies get the portal ready for April's launch.
Other classroom developments in Argyll and Bute, for example, should help us learn from outside the Authority, too, and see where Glow might be used to further some good practice already going on. South Lanarkshire is enjoying the portal's widgets, and seeing how personalisable it can be. Communication on what can and cannot be offered remains a vital element which can never been underestimated. Finally, if you want to get to know some other Glowers not in East Lothian, Aberdeen's GlowBlog seems a great place to get to know some other mentors.
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